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Holiday Handmade Objects

I would venture to say that there are few folks on the planet more excited about the winter holidays than I. I have always loved Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve because they are the holidays that evoke my childhood and family. Since then I have come to understand and love Kwanzaa, Diwali, and Hanukkah. The sights and sounds of this time of year are fascinating.

And handmade objects of all sorts seem to go with celebrations. I mentioned recently that one of my special contributions to Christmas is creating handmade Christmas stockings. I will feature that process sometime during this holiday season if I can find the time.

Today I am thinking about the Christian season of Advent. This year Advent, or the season of preparation for Christmas, begins on December 1st. In the cycle of the church, Advent wreaths and Advent calendars help us to track the season.

When we lived in Virginia, we received a wonderful gift one year of an Advent wreath which helps us to count down the days of December. Ellie Grumioux is the artist. As you can see, the wood was cut to resemble a wreath, hooks were attached to the beautiful handmade background, and ornaments were also hand-painted. Every year we take down another framed piece and feature this object in our kitchen, counting down the days until Christmas.

What sort of handmade objects adorn your house for the holidays? Check back in on Sunday and hear about the clergy stoles I designed for Advent.

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